Monday 24 September 2012

My Pinhole

Pinhole Photography
My pinhole photos

negative image

contact print, exposed for 8 seconds

contact print, exposed for 16 seconds

contact print, exposed for 24 seconds

A pinhole photo is made by using a light tight box/object placing photographic paper inside making a shutter and removing this to expose to the light when you're putting at your subject. Once exposed for how ever long you want place the shutter down and take the box back to the dark room. Once in the dark room remove your paper and put through the developer(1 minute), stop(30 seconds), fix(4 minutes) and rinse(5 minutes) then the dryer. You now have your negative image, to change this to normal positive you can do it in two ways. You could scan the negative in and invert it on photoshop or you could make a contact print. This is where your in the dark room, using a contact board place a sheet of photographic paper on the board (shinny side up) then place your negatives face down on top of the paper. Use an enlarger to expose to light for your given time then just like before put the paper through the developer trays. You will now be left with your positive image.

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