Monday 10 December 2012

Our project - FUN

Just like Gilbert and George work together, we got our next project that meant we had to work in a group of 7 and create large art work. Ideas changed and developed, we got ideas from books and the internet. 
Some of our ideas were

  • stereotypes 
  • showing how old people respond to today's youth 
  • showing how time has changed 
  • fun 
Our final idea is fun, this is shown by images of objects that we find fun or that we did when we were younger, fun places and by portraits of us having fun. It was then suggested that we use a word like "us" or "me" but then it was pointed out that it may be too personal if we use words like that so we voted and "fun" is the word we're using. We're going to use 65 frames (size 6 x 4), having 13 across and 5 down. All the images will be black & white, however we're going to create the word FUN using the frames and images, these will be in red. It was then decided that each letter was going to be a different colour, "F" in red "U" in yellow and "N" in blue. 
We set deadlines for ourselves these were 

  1. Monday and Tuesday shoot the images 
  2. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday edit
  3. Thursday print, frame and put on the wall. 
We met our deadlines and I think it looks really good and the word FUN stands out a lot. Here are some images of our work that are now up in college.

Here you can see our FUN image and the other groups image, theirs is to do with the 80's.

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