Friday 26 October 2012

street photography

 Street photography

A key aspect of street photography is the sense that the captured scene is unplanned. Scenes that are pre-planned public events don't have the same feeling of spontaneity. That is not to say, that if a photographer knowingly attends an organised event he or she might not still be able to capture a spontaneous and unrelated street scene.

These are some of my street photography images that I took and then edited on Adobe Bridge. I added more contrast to all of these and changed the levels.

Security man in a shopping centre.

Old women shopping for their meats.

Man in his stall in a market.

Juxtaposition between the 'You Only Live Once' jumper and the old couple out shopping.

Family day out.
Stopping for a bite to eat.
A group of students out doing work.

When life was simple.

A little wellie boot, on the streets. This is my favourite street photography shot that I got. I like it as I think about the child and how sad they'd be as children love running around splashing in the water puddles.

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