Friday 26 October 2012

Shutter speeds

Slow Shutter Speeds

I took my DSLR camera out around Liverpool town and tried many different shutter speeds and these are the photos I ended up with. I am pleased with most of them however some of them didn't work out how I wanted them to. I set my camera to shutter priority and adjusted the speeds depending on the shot I was taking.
 I used a shutter speed of 10 seconds and an aperture of F25(this set itself) to create this photo. This photo shows leading lines as your eyes follow the fountain.

Again, to achieve this photo I used  a shutter speed of 10 seconds and an aperture of F22(this set itself). This is my favourite image that I took, I like how there is the lower lights from the cars and the higher light from the bus.

For this photo the shutter speed was 13 seconds and aperture of F22(this set itself). In this photo I like how the yellow bus is still and then there is the lights from the moving cars, I also like the colour of the sky.

This was my first attempt at using slow shutter speeds and I wasn't happy with this image. The camera is pointing too high up and the cars don't have the sense of moving as I only used 2 second shutter.

This photo was set on 5 second shutter, I like how the wheel looks like it's moving really fast and the buildings and still.

This photo was on for 2 seconds, I don't like it as I don't like the lamp post in the corner.

 I like this photo because of the motion of the wheel and the still of the tree however I think that the motion looks too fast. This was on a shutter speed of 3.2 seconds.

So I did the photo again but on a speed of 2 seconds and think that it looks better.

This photo was on a speed for 13 seconds and I like this one because of all the colours of the sky and the very fast motion of the cars.

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