Sunday 18 November 2012


These are some of the studio self portraits of myself and around college. I edited them all using photoshop, to get these photos I used a tripod.
We tried to create 'wind' in this photo, however I don't like how it looks as I don't like the way my hair is all over my face.

So we did it again and it worked out better, I think this shows some of my personality as I am quite a smiley and giggly person. 

Even though I don't look happy in this photo I think it worked well, I like the composition of myself and the lines of the wall/window.

In these photos I used a word that I thought descried my personality. I prefer the photo on the right as I think I edited better, I like the higher contrast. I like the use of primary colours, the blue of my jumper and the writing and the red of my nail varnish.

In this image I like the simulated texture of wall I was leaning against, I think the colour of it makes the colour of my jumper stand out more. In photoshop I used the spot healing tool and added a bit of contrast. 

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